

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Curse from Sunni Point of View

1) Janabe Fatema Zehra(SA) was angry with Abubakr and used to curse him and did not talk to him till her death .
Ref :    Sahih Bukhari Kitab Magazi Bab Guzwwe Khaiber V 3  Pg 55.

2) The Proof of Sending Curses(Lanat) on Yazid!
The Proof of sending Lanat upon Yazid is derived from this (ayah), as was mentioned by Al-Barzanji  in his Al-Ashaat and Imam Haythami I in As-Sawaiq from Imam Ahmed  that his son Abdullah asked him about sending Lanah on Yazid, and how sending Lanah upon him is mentioned in the book of Allah (i.e. Quran).

 Imam Ahmed  in proof of (sending Lanah upon Yazid) mentioned these verses:Would ye then, if ye were given the command, work corruption in the land and sever your ties of kinship? Such are the men whom Allah has cursed…(47:22-23), So could there be a greater fitnah than the actions committed by Yazid?
Ref : [Ruh ul Ma’ani by Imam Al-Alusi, Volume 9 Under Surah Muhammad 22-23]

3) It has been narrated on the authority of Hadhrat Abu 'Ubaidah bin Jarrah (May Allah be well pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet (SAWA) said: The affairs of my Ummah will continue with justice. The first person to disrupt it will be a person from Banu Ummayya, who will be called Yazid.
Ref : (Musnad Abu Ya'ala, Musnad Abu 'Ubaidah Raziallahu anhu).

The famous Expert in interpretation of Holy Quran Abul Fida Ismail bin 'Umar who is famously known as Ibn Kathir has recorded this Hadith in his book Al Bidayah Wan Nihayah in Vol. 6 PG No 256.

The great Hadith-expert Imam Shahabuddin Ahmed Bin Hajr Makki Haithami (May Allah shower His mercy on him) has also recorded this Hadith in As Sawaaiq Al Muhriqa, Pg No. 132. He has also recorded another Hadith in this connection in the same book on Pg No. 132:

4) It has been narrated on the authority of Hadhrat Abu Darda (May Allah be well pleased with him), he said: I heard the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam): "The first one to change my Sunnah will be a person from Banu Ummayya called Yazid".

 5) Holy Prophet(SAWA) said : May Allah curse Shaibah bin Rabia , Utba bin Rabia and on Umayya bin Khalaf.
Ref :    Bukhari Kitab Al Haj Pg 260 published from Misr.

6) Holy Prophet(SAWA)  cursed the Hakam , father of Marwan  when marwan was in his loin( That is Marwan was not born till then).
Ref :    Tarikhul Khulafa Pg 142.

7) Mohammad ibne AbuBakr  wrote a letter to muawiya in which he said to muawiya that : You are the accursed son of accursed  father.
Ref :    Murujuz Zahab V 6 Pg 69.

8) Holy Prophet(SAWA)  has cursed the one who eat the usury .
Ref :    Sahih muslim Pg 600 , 22 Kitab Al Musaqat  Ch 19  Ch  Babul La’an wa Aakelul Reba  wa mawkelah  H 4109 Published  Berut Darus Sadir.
Kitab Sunane Abu Daud Pg 536.

9) Holy Prophet(SAWA) said : Allah has cursed the one who give  or  take bribe.
Ref :    Musnad Ahmed ibne Hanbal  V 2 Pg 212
Musnad Abdullah ibne umraw  H 7000 published  Beirut  Darul Kutb Ilmiya.
Sunane Ibne Majah  Pg 369.

10) Holy Prophet(SAWA) has cursed the one who separates father and the son and between brothers.(That is he cause dis unity between them).
Ref :    Sunane Ibne Majah Pg 309.

11) Holy Prophet(SAWA)  : “Allah , Angels and all men ‘s curse be on one who deprive anything of my rights or anything which was given to my progeny or disregard my wilayat”.
Ref :    Jam’ul  Jawame  V 3 Pg 339.
Kanzul Ummal  V 16 Pg 42

12) The Holy Prophet (SAWA) saw Abu Sufyan riding a camel, his son, Yazid, leading the camel, and Muawiya following the camel. He (s.a.w.a.) said: Allah’s curse be on the rider, the leader leading the camel and the follower.
Ref :    Isabat fi Tamiz us Sahabah by Ibne Hajaz Asqalani V 5 Pg 480.
Tarikh-e-Tabari, vol. 11, pg. 357, Published in 284 AH.
 Tarikhe-e-Abul Fida, vol. 2, pg. 57, Published in 238 AH.
 Kitabo Siffin Nasr, pg. 247, Egypt.
Tazkerah al-Khawaas by Sibt Ibn Jauzi, pg. 115.

13) Holy Prophet(SAWA) : When  you  see son of Hakam ibne Abi Aas on the pulpit  like monkeys  and Allah has revealed for them this Ayat (surah Isra : 60 ) and in this Ayat Shajare Mal’oona refers to Hakam and his sons.
Ref :    Tafseere Aalusi V 4  regarding Surah Isra :  60.

14) Aisha said to Marwan Ibne Hakam : “I have heard Holy Prophet(SAWA) said to your ancestors that : You   are Shajare Maloona (The accursed tree)  in Quran.
Ref :    Tafseere Fath  Al Qadeer Lish Shawkani V 4 .

15) Holy Prophet(SAWA)  : “ I am seeing son of Hakam ibne Abi Aas on the pulpit like apes and Allah has revealed the Ayat (surah Isra : 40) and in this ayat Shajare Maloona(The accursed tree) refers to Hakam and his sons.

16) Aisha said to Marwan Ibne Hakam : I have heard  Holy Prophet(SAWA) said to your ancestors that : You are Shajare Maloona ( The accursed Tree)  in Quran.
Ref :    Tafseere Durrul Mansoor by Suyuti .

17) Holy Prophet(SAWA)  sent  Khalid ibne walid to Bani Jazimah . They called them towards Islam but they rejected .Khalid bin walid killed some of them and took others as prisoners. When Holy Prophet(SAWA)  heard  about it  he(SAWA) said: Oh Allah! Surely I hate(despise) whatever Khalid has done’.
Ref :    Sahih Bukhari  : 1302

18) Holy Prophet(SAWA)  : “One who sleep on roof which does not has boundary(support)  and fall down and then die due to this and also the one who sail during storm and then die because of  it, I dislike both of them  and does not assure them  any type of safety.
Ref :    Musnad Ahmed Ibne Hanbal  5/96 H No 20776 , 20777.
Silselatus Sahihah : 2 / 500 H No 828 , Maktab Al Ma’arif , Riyaaz.

19) Holy Prophet(SAWA) : “I dislike and does not assure any type of safety to the person who sleep on roof  of a house which does not has any boundary(support) .
Ref :   Sunane Abu Dawood 787 ( Kitab Adab – Bab Fin Nawm Ala Satah Gaire Muhjir 
H No 504.

20) Holy Prophet(SAWA) : “Do not leave your prayer intentionally. Allah and his messenger does not give any type of deliverance and safety to a person who leave the prayer intentionally”.
Ref:     Nafsul Masdar: 6/447 .

21) Holy Prophet(SAWA): “One who revolt along with Polytheist , I  dissociate myself from him and does not give him surety for his life “.
Ref :    As Sunanul Kubra Lil Baihaqi 13/213

22) Holy Prophet(SAWA) : “ One who help the unjust in his oppression , Allah and his prophet  are despise  of  him .”( That is they dislike them).
Ref :    Zikre Akhbare Isbahan Lil Hafiz Isbahani  1 / 313

23) Holy Prophet(SAWA) : “One who hoard the food for 40 nights while there is a man in his courtyard who is hungry, then certainly he is away from Allah for his deliverance”. 
Ref:     Musnad Ahmed Ibne Hanbal  2/45-46.

24) Holy Prophet(SAWA) said : “I hate  that slave who runs away from his master” .
Ref :    Sahih Muslim 48[ Kitabul Iman .
Musnad Ahmed Ibne Hanbal 4/436 [ 4 / 357] [Musnad Kufain / H 19178]

25) Holy Prophet(SAWA) said
“I dislike  one who  wail in hardship and the one who shave the beard”.
Ref :    Sahih Bukhari 240. [ Kitabul Janaez – Bab Maa yanha minal Khalq Inda Musibat / H 1296]

26) Holy Prophet(SAWA) said
“The one who give security to a believer and then kill him , I hate that  killer”.
Ref :    Musnad Ahmed Ibne Hanbal 5/265 [5/224].
Al Mojamul Awsat  Lil Tabrani  3/6

27) Holy Prophet(SAWA)  : “ Wilayat of Allah , Love for Allah and hate for Allah” .
Ref :    Shobal Iman Lil Baihaqi  12/73 [ H no 9064]
Nafsul Masdar 12/75 H no 9066.

28) Holy Prophet(SAWA)  : Surely the most beloved action in front of Allah is love for Allah and hate for Allah.
Ref :    Musnad Ahmed Ibne Hanbal  5/175                                              

29) Most of the historians of Ahle Sunnah has said that the Ayat(5:67) was revealed  in praise of Hazrat Ali (AS)  and when it was revealed,  Holy Prophet(SAWA)  held  the hand of Hazrat Ali(AS) and said : “Man kunto mawla ho fa haza Ali mawla” (Of whomsoever I am master , Ali is his master) and after that prayed as “ Oh Allah! Befriend one who befriend Ali and be the enemy of one who is his enemy  and after that Umar Congratulated Imam Ali (AS) as “ Congratulation to you Oh  Ibne Abi Talib today you have become our master and the master of all muslims men and women”.
Ref:   Tafseere Kabir (Mafatehul Gaeb)  Lil Razi Shafaee: 12 / 42 Published 2nd Edition: 2004 Darul Kutb Ilmiya , Beirut .
Durrul Mansoor Lis Suyuti 2 / 528 published 2nd Edition 2004 Darul Kutb Ilmiya , Beirut

30) Holy Prophet(SAWA) : Oh people ! Am I  not your Wali ?
All of them replied : Yes ! Oh the messenger of Allah.
Then Holy Prophet(SAWA) hold the hand of Hazrat Ali(AS) and raised it and said : He is my successor and verily Allah love those  who love Ali and hate those who hate Ali.
Ref :    As Sunan Kubra Lin Nisai 5/107 [ H 8397 / 1- Kitab Al Khasaes /Zikre Ibadat Ali(AS) ]

31) When Holy Prophet(SAWA)  reached Gadeere Khum  after  Hajjatul Wida , he said to people : “Verily  I am leaving among you two weighty  thing out of which one is heavier than the other, one is the book of Allah and another one is my progeny Ahlul Bayt and they will not be separated  from each other till they meet me at Hauze Kausar  and then he said : Surely Allah is my master and I am the master of all believing men and women . Then he raised the hand of Hazrat Ali(AS) and said : “Of whomsoever I am master, Ali is his master ! Oh Allah love the one who love Ali and hate the one who hate Ali”.
Ref :    As Sunan Kubra Lin Nisai 5/45 [ H 8148 / 12- Kitab Al Manaqib ]

32) Holy Prophet(SAWA) : Have I not more authority over you than your selves?
All the people replied : Yes !
Then he raised the hand of Hazrat Ali(AS) and said : Of Whomsoever I am master this Ali is his master . Oh Allah ! love him who love Ali and hate him who hate Ali.
Then Umar said to Hazrat Ali(AS) : Congratulation to you Oh Ibne  Abi Talib . Today you  have become master of all believing men and women.
Ref :    Al Kitab Al Musannaf Fil Ahadees Wal Aasaare  Ibne Abi Shaibah : 6/ 375 [ H 32109 / Fazael Ali Ibne Abi Talib].

33) Ameerul  Momineen(AS) said regarding Sura Naml ayah 89-90:, (“Whoso bringeth a good deed will have better than its worth; and such are safe from fear that Day. And whoso bringeth an evil deed, such will be flung down on their faces in the Fire. Are ye rewarded aught save what ye did?”)
 “I will inform you regarding a good deed. If one does this, Allah will enter him into jannah. I will inform you regarding an evil deed. If one does this, Allah will throw him into the fires of hell and no good deed will be accepted if one performs this evil deed.” Then Moula (as) said, “That good deed is Our love. That evil deed is being envious of Us.”
Ref :    Yanabil Muwaddah page no 161.

34) Holy Prophet(SAWA) said  : “ Fatema is my part . Anyone who enrages her enrages me”.
Ref :  Fazaelul  Khamsah  V 3 Pg 184.

36) Holy Prophet(SAWA)  : Fatema is my part .Anybody who harm her harm me.
Ref :    Sahih Bukhari Kitabun Nikah Bab Zabbir Rajole An Ibnateh .

35) When AbuBakr and Umar came to meet Janabe Zehra(sa) when she was ill .She asked them : I give you the pledge of Allah(swt) . Tell me have you not heard the saying of Holy Prophet(SAWA) that whomsoever fathema is happy I am happy , of whomsoever she is unhappy I am unhappy with him .Therefore anybody who love her , love me and anybody who enrages her enrages me.. They said : Yes we have heard this . Janabe Fatema(swt) said : I bear Allah and the angels witness that both of you have engered me .When I will meet HP I will complain about both of you to him .Abu Bakr started crying .Janabe Fatema (swt) said : BY Allah! I curse both of you in every namaz.
Ref :    Al Imamah Was Siyasah Pg 14.

36) Janabe Fatema Zehar(swt) was angry with Abubakr and used to curse him till her death .
Ref :    Sahih Bukhari Kitabul Jihad Was Saer Bab Farzul Khums V 2 Pg 186.

37) Holy Prophet(SAWA) said : “Certainly  Holy Prophet(SAWA)  has cursed  people whose names  are  Abu Sufyan bin Harb, Sohail bin Umraw, Amr ibne Aas , Ibne Marwan , Umar ibne Khattab, Khalid bin Walid who killed Malik bin Nuwaira.
Ref :    Nasaekh Kaafiya Vol 1 Pg 11 published from Mumbai.

38) Holy Prophet(SAWA) : “Allah will not accept the belief of anyone  who does not  accept the wilayat of H Ali(AS) and one who does not  dissociates  from  his enemies .
Ref :    Manaqib Khwarizmi V 2 Pg 32,33.

39) Holy Prophet(SAWA) : “Whoever  say anything wrong about Ali has said wrong about me and whoever say anything wrong about me say wrong about Allah and whoever say wrong about Allah(swt) , He will throw  him in hell”.
Ref :    Mustadrakul Sahihain by Hashim Nishapuri  V 3 Pg 121-128-130 .
Musnad Ahmed Hanbal V 6 Pg 323.

40) Scholars of Ahle Sunnah has said that  to love Holy Prophet(SAWA) and also his progeny is obligatory on people  and it is incumbent upon everybody to dissociate from their enemies and everybody who does not accept them their wali  is not a believer and everyone  who does not dissociate themselves from their enemies is not  from believer’.
Ref :    Wasilatul Khadim Elal Makhdum Pg 282.

41) “It is permissible to curse those who oppressed Ahlul bayt(AS)” .
Ref :    Wasilatul Khadim Elal Makhdum Pg 284

42) “Enmity with Mohd(sawa) and his progeny is disbelief and it is the part of the belief that one should love them .Therefore people like Ibne Muljim, muawiya , yazid etc  who either killed Ahlulbayt, or poisoned them  or kept them away from their rights , it is permissible to curse such people since these are the signs of disbelief .Allah’s curse be on them and on those who love them”.
Ref :    Wasilatul Khadim Elal Makhdum Pg 284.

43) “Anyone who has oppressed  progeny of Holy Prophet(sawa) , it is necessary to curse them. This is the meaning of the verse (Allah’s curse be on the unjust (surah Araf:44) )”.
Ref:     Wasilatul Khadim Elal Makhdum Pg 285.

44) Holy Prophet (SAWA) said: The curse of Allah be on Shaiba Ibn Rabiyyah, Utaibah Ibn Rabiyyah and Ummayah Ibn Khalaf who removed us from our land and drove us to the valley.
Ref : Sahih Bukhari, Kitab-o-Bab-e-Kirahatin Nabi an-T’ara al-Mudirah, vol.3, pg. 30.

45) Holy Prophet (SAWA) said on the day of Ohad: O Allah! Curse Abu Sufyan, Haaris Ibn Hesham and Safwaan Ibn Ummayah.
Ref : Sunan-o-Tirmidhi, vol.5, pg. 227.
Then he wrote: This tradition is Sahih and Ghareeb.

46) Holy Prophet (SAWA) raised his head from ruku and said: Allah forgive Ghafaar! Allah protect Aslam! Usba has disobeyed Allah and the Messenger. Curse be on Bani Hayan, Ra’la and Zakwaan. Then the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) went in to prostration.
Ref : Sahih Muslim, vol.1, pg. 470.

47) Tabarani has quoted from Nasr Ibn Aasim Laisi who has quoted from his father who said: "I went to the Masjid. At that time I heard people saying that we seek refuge from the anger of Allah and His Messenger. I asked them about seeking refuge. They said: The Holy Prophet (SAWA.) was giving sermon and at that time a person left the Masjid with his son. At that moment the Holy Prophet (SAWA) said: O Allah! Curse the one going ahead and the one following… Regret for the nation concerning so and so".
Ref :    Mojam al-Kabeer of Tabarani, Vol. 17, pg. 176.
Al Ahadees Al Mukhtaarah, vol.8, pg. 180
Haithami after narrating this writes: Tabarani has narrated this and all the narrators are reliable and trustworthy.
Ref : Majma al-Zawaaid, vol.5, pg. 242.

48) Ahmad has quoted a tradition in his Musnad from Abdullah Ibn Zubair that he was reclining on the wall of the Holy Kaaba and was narrating this tradition: I Swear by the Lord of this Kaaba, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has cursed this person and the child which will be born from his loins.
The writer of the book comments: This tradition is reliable and the narrators of this tradition are the narrators of Muslim and Bukhari.
Al Sindi says: ‘this person’ referred to by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) is ‘Hakam’ and the child refers to ‘Marwan’ … Allah knows the best.
Ref : Musnad-o-Ahmad, vol.26, pg. 51.
Haithami has recorded this tradition in Majma’ al-Zawaaid and he writes: This tradition has been recorded by Ahmad, Bazzar and Tabarani. And Ahmad’s narrators are correct.
Ref : Majma’ al-Zawaaid, Vol.5, pg. 241.

49) Bazzar has recorded a tradition from Abdullah Albahi, a slave of Zubair, who said: I was in the Mosque when Marwan was giving a sermon. Abdul Rahman Ibn Abi Bakr tauntingly said: Abu Bakr never appointed anybody from his family as a Caliph. At this Marwan retorted: Are you not the one regarding whom the verse, ‘and the one who said ‘Uff’ to his parents’ was revealed?
At that time Abdul Rahman replied: You are lying! However the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has cursed your father.
Ref : Musnad-o-Bazzar, vol.6, pg. 241.
Haithami writes in Majmau Zawaid that Bazzar has recorded this tradition and this tradition is Hasan (good).
Ref : Majma’ al-Zawaaid, Vol.5, pg. 241.

50) Haakim has recorded this tradition from Abdullah Ibn Zubair in his Mustadarak al Sahihain: “Certainly the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has cursed Hakam and his son”.
Ref : Mustadarak al Sahihain, Vol.4, pg. 481.

51) Holy Prophet(SAWA) was sitting when a camel rider passed by him. One person was leading the camel and another was following it. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: Allah’s curse be on the rider, the leader leading the camel and the follower.
Ref : Musnad-e-Bazzar, vol.9, pg. 286.
Haithami writes in Majma’ al-Zawaaid that Bazzar has recorded this tradition and the narrators of this tradition are trustworthy and reliable.
Ref : Majma’ al-Zawaaid, vol.1, pg. 113.

52) Holy Prophet (SAWA) said:I curse six groups of people who have been cursed by Allah and the Prophets (a.s.)… The one who makes the prohibitions of Allah allowed concerning my progeny. My curse is on the one who leaves my Sunnat”
Ref : Sahih Ibn Hubaan, vol.5, pg. 373.

53) Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: “Curse be on those men who imitate women in their dressing and make-up. They should be driven out of the houses”.
Ref :    Sahih Bukhari Pg 1090 /77 Kitab Al libas /62 Bab Ikhrajul  Mutashbaheen Bin  Nesae Minal Buyut H 5885.

54) The Holy Prophet (SAWA) said:Allah’s curse is on the one who takes interest, the one who acts as a middle-man, the one who write its accounts and the one who witnesses it”.
Ref :    Sahih Muslim, Al Musaqaat, Babo La’ne Akl al-Ribaa wa Mukala, H. 1598.
 Sunan-o-Tirmidhi, al-Bai’o. Bab-o-maa jaa fi Akl al-Ribaa, H. 1206.
Sunan-o-Abi Dawood, Al Bai’o. Bab-o-fi Akl al-Ribaa wa Mukala, H. 3333.

55) The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: “Allah’s curse be on the person who acts like the nation of Hazrat Lut (a.s.).”
Ref :    Musnad-o-Ahmad, Vol.1, Pg. 309.
Mustadarak-o-Haakim, vol.4, pg. 356.
 Sahih Al Targheeb, 2421.

56) Holy Prophet (SAWA) said:  Jibrael came to me said, ‘O Mohammad! Certainly, Allah curses alcohol, one who squeezes grapes for alcohol, one who gives alcohol, one who carries alcohol, one who buys alcohol, one who sells alcohol, one who offers alcohol and one who drinks alcohol.
Ref :    Musnad Ahmed ibne Hanbal V 2 P 97
Musnad Abdullah ibne Umar   H 5718 , Beirut –Darul Kutbul  Ilmiya.
Mustadarak-o-Haakim, Kitab al-Ashrebah, H. 7229.

57) Holy Prophet (SAWA) said:Curse be on the one amputates the limbs of the animals.’
Ref : Sharh-o-Nahjil Balaaghah of Ibn Abil Hadid, Vol. 6, Pg. 52.

58) The Holy Prophet (SAWA) said: “Prepare the army of Usama. Allah’s curse be on the one who does not join it and stays away from it”.

60) The Holy Prophet (SAWA) said:
“This [Ali (a.s.)] is a sea full of treasures. He is the rising sun. He is more generous and giving than the river of Euphrates* and his heart is larger than the entire world. May Allāh’s curse be on those who hate him.”
References: Kanz Al-Ommal Page 62
* River, sea, and water are used to express unlimited generosity in the Arabic language. Euphrates was commonly used as an example of a large river/sea.

61) The Holy Prophet(SAWA) said:
Allāh(s.w.t.) does not accept the beliefs of anyone who does not accept ‘Alī (.a.s)’s Wilayat, and who does not renounce his enemies. 
References:    Manaqeb Khawarezmi Page 2
Faraed Al-Semtayn Vol 1 Page 19
Yanabee’ Al-Mawadda Page 121

62)Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A) was asked:
concerning the saying of Allāh "And he made it a word to continue in his posterity that they may return"  (Surah Zukhruf (43): Verse 28)
He (s.a.w.a.) replied, “He (Allāh) has placed Imamat in the progeny of Husain (a.s.). Nine of the Imams will emerge from his offspring and from them is the Māhdi (a.t.f.s.) of this nation.” Then he (s.a.w.w.) warned, “If a person stands on one feet between the Rukn and the Maqaam (-e-Ibraheem) but dies in a state bearing hatred against my Ahle Bait (a.s.), he will enter the fire.”
Kefaayah al-Asar, pg. 86, Chap. 10, Tr. No. 3
 Manaaqeb of Ibn Shahr Aashob, vol. 4, pg. 46

 63)Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A)  said:
"Allāh(s.w.t.)  accepts the Salaat, Siyam (Fasting) and the efforts of those who love ‘Alī ibn Abī Tālib (a.s.) and He answers their prayers. Beware! Allāh gives those who love ‘Alī one city (in paradise) for each vein in their body. Beware! those who love the family of the Prophet are safe from the judgement process, the scale and from the Bridge. Beware! those who die hating the family of the prophet will have the following written between their eyes on the Day of Judgement, "No hope for the Mercy of Allāh"
Manaqeb of Khawarezmi page 32
Maqtal Al Husain of Khawarezmi vol 1 page 40
Faraed al Semtayn vol 2, page 257 hadees 526


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